COVID-19 Travel Information
Disclaimer: this page contains travel related information regarding the exit and entry to Korea in the hope that it is useful for SNU's International Community. The contents are compiled and updated regularly by OIA to the best of our knowledge and capabilities. Nevertheless, the information presented here may be incomplete or outdated, and OIA cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.
Recent and upcoming important changes:
- PCR tests after arrival in Korea are neither necessary nor recommended anymore.
- All visitors travelling under the visa waiver program have to obtain an electronic travel authorization (K-ETA) prior to departure.
- All persons entering Korea through Incheon airport must pre-register their arrival on the Q-CODE system
Table of Contents
Preparations before you leave
- University Travel Application (apply at least 10 working days before departure)
All SNU faculty need to obtain permission for overseas travel (also for personal travel). The respective forms can be downloaded here:
The application must be submitted to your department office at least 10 working days before the intended date of travel. The approval for business travels will be communicated via an official letter (공문).
- Check Entry Regulations of Destination
Make sure to check the entry regulations of your destination. A list of selected countries is provided below:
Before departure
- COVID-19 PCR Test
For some destinations, passengers still need negative COVID-19 PCR/rapid antigen test no older than 24-72 hours at departure. You have to bear the cost of the test by yourself.
Here is a list of hospitals that provide tests for travel purposes, and you can also get tested at the airport. Results are typically available within 24 hours, at the airport after 5 hours.
One of the closest testing centers near SNU is the H+ Yangji Hospital (H+ 양지병원). Click here for detailed instructions on how to obtain a Covid certificate.
At the airport (outbound)
- Fast-track PCR Test
You can get a PCR test for travel purposes at the airport.
It takes about 5 hours from taking the sample until the test results come out. Here is a link to the COVID-19 PCR test center at the airport.
Before you return
- No COVID-19 Test is Required to Enter Korea.
- Register your Arrival with the Q-CODE System
All international travellers entering Korea must register their arrival on the Q-CODE system. This is also the place where you can upload your negative PCR test (or proof of infection). For details, refer to the Q-CODE information sheet.
To be on the safe side, also bring a printed copy of all documents.
- Visitors: Obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (K-ETA)
Visitors travelling to Korea under the visa waiver program must obtain an electronic travel authorization K-ETA prior to departure. The processing of the application can take up to four days - make sure to apply early enough.
Arrival in Korea
- Entry procedure at the airport
Travellers have to show their Q-CODE.
- After arrival
Quarantine, even if infected, has been lifted for all travellers, including unvaccinated people. No PCR test is necessary after arrival.
Updates and Sources: